
Meeting with the Ambassadors of the EU Member States 12.10.2020


On October 12, 2020, at the initiative of the EU Delegation and the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to Georgia, on-line meeting was held between the ambassadors of the EU Member States and the EU missions and the management of the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the situation with COVID-19 in Georgia, to share information on the measures taken and visions for the future.

The meeting was attended by 19 delegations: EU Delegation, Ambassadors of Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Federal republic of Germany, Estonia, Spain, Hellenic Republic, France, Finland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, as well as EUMM Deputy Head of Mission and EUSR Political Adviser.

At the meeting, the Director General of the NCDC provided the diplomatic corps participating in the meeting with detailed information on the current situation regarding COVID-19, the implemented and ongoing measures and the planned activities. The meeting ended with a discussion, during which the embassies were delivered additional information on issues of their interest in a question-and-answer mode.