On July 17, 2020 United States Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Georgia – Kelly C. Degnan visited the National Center for Disease Control and Public Health campus. In the frame of the visit she met with the NCDC leadership and staff, where the Director General (NCDC) presented the overview of the Center’s and Public Health system development in the country and the US Governmental partner and donor institutions role in this process. Ambassador Degnan marked Georgia’s successful response in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, thanked the Center’s leaders and staff’s for productive cooperation with US partners and wished the good luck in further development and achievements.
According to the agenda of the visit, the meeting was followed by the ceremony (organized by WRAIR) of internship program graduation for 2 interns from the San-Diego State University and I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University who held their internship under the WRAIR scientists at the Lugar Center. The interns presented the results of the studies and were awarded the certificates.
After the ceremony the guests visited the Lugar Center labs and get acquainted with the activities and achievements of Georgian scientists.