In June 17, 2019, press conference “World Blood Donor Day” was organized in “Art-house Tbilisi”.
Press conference was opened by Ms. Tamar Gabunia, Deputy Minister of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social affairs of Georgia and Dr. Amiran Gamkrelidze, Director General of National Center for Disease Control and Public health. The event was attended by representatives of different institutions and field experts, including unpaid donor support organizations, service provider organizations of State Safe Blood program, licensed blood banks, unpaid donors, and other stakeholders.
In the press conference, donors and supporter organizations were awarded with certificates. Also, presentation of donor communication campaign of 2019 and new unpaid donor popularization web page in test mode.
World Blood Donor Day is celebrated in many countries through World Health Organization (WHO), and aims to raise awareness of population about importance of safe blood and blood products and expression of appreciation towards every voluntary and unpaid blood donor.
This year, the slogan of the campaign is “Safe Blood for everyone”.