
Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2018 Communication Plan


Developed and supported by UNICEF, MICS (Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey) is one of the largest international household surveys worldwide. It is designed to collect estimates of key indicators that are used to assess the situation of families, children and women.

MICS fieldwork begins on September 20th and last till December 20, 2018. The survey is conducted by the National Statistics office of Georgia (GeoStat) with technical and financial support of UNICEF, National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) and other donor organizations. MICS 2018 will cover the towns and villages in ten regions of Georgia, where teams from GeoStat and NCDC will visit over 14,000 households.

The MICS in Georgia aims to support generation of high quality and internationally comparable data in various areas to strengthen evidence-based planning and informed policy-making. MICS also involves blood testing of children aged 2-7 to define levels of lead in children’s blood. The results of the survey, including the lead tests, will be available in Spring 2019.

In parallel, UNICEF Georgia is undertaking a large-scale communication and community mobilization campaigns aimed at raising awareness about MICS and the beginning of the fieldwork. The main objective of the campaign is to gain public support and cooperation.


Communication Campaign


Press Conferences: On September 17th, a press conference will be held in Tbilisi where the representatives of the Government of Georgia, UNICEF, National Statistics Office of Georgia (GeoStat) and National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) will announce the launch of the MICS. Three additional press conferences will be held in Kutaisi on 18 September, Batumi on 19 September and Telavi on 21 September to target regional media outlets and raise awareness of the fieldwork in these respective regions.

Graphic animation: The video will contain the most important information about the survey – what is MICS, when the fieldwork takes place, who is conducting it and why it is important to participate. The visual side of the video will be a graphic animation.

PSA: Actors will play roles of an interviewer, a measurer and a nurse to reconstruct a scenario when MICS team enters a family. The aim of the video is to create an accurate understanding of what to expect during interviews and to ensure public trust in the process.

Advertising: The graphic animation and the video will be placed as ads on two major national broadcasters (Rustavi2, Imedi), as well as the Georgian Public Broadcaster and TV Pirveli during the period of September 17 – December 1st.

Social Media: longer versions of the graphic animation and the video will also be amplified through social media. Social networks will be used to continuously update information about MICS during the fieldwork period.


Leaflets: 25,000 Georgian, 1000 Azerbaijani and 1000 Armenian leaflets will be produced containing all the necessary information about MICS. The leaflets will be given to all the participant families, as well as distributed during community outreach meetings (see below) throughout the country.

Visual of the MICS team: Caps, vests and bags are branded with special logotypes for the interviewers and other persons involved in the outreach activities for MICS. 


Community Mobilization


During the period of September 19 – November 15 a community mobilization campaign will be ongoing throughout 10 regions of Georgia. In partnership with the network of regional NGOs, UNICEF will conduct meetings with the communities in the following three formats:

Town Hall Meetings: 100+ invited participants in 10 cities. Attendance is open.

Community Leaders’ Meetings: 20-25 pre-selected participants in 10 communities. The audience members will further distribute information and MICS leaflets to their respective communities.

Face to Face Meetings: Representatives of local organizations will hold informal meetings, spread the word and distribute MICS leaflets in the selected villages of each of the regions – total of 60 villages.  

The meetings will target the representatives of local government, civil society, education and medical institutions, as well as media, private sector and other active citizens. In total, the outreach will cover 80 local communities and approximately 10,000 people will be supplied with information about MICS, which will contribute to its successful implementation and raise the motivation among public to participate in the survey.

A separate communication campaign will be developed to disseminate the results of the survey in Spring 2019.