Project Title: “Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking Water ( GLAAS)”, UN/WHO;
Project Duration: 30.09.2013 – 15.06.2014.
Project Summary
a). Project Objective:
The objective of GLAAS at country level is to provide a platform for assessing sector performance in water, sanitation and hygiene.
b). Project implementation:
Organize country-level data collection and compilation using the updated and revised
GLAAS 2014 questionnaire and submit validated and signed questionnaire to WHO
within the set deadline.
c) Expected outcomes:
The Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) is a UN-Water initiative, implemented by the World Health Organization (WHO). At the global level it monitors efforts to provide or improve sanitation and drinking-water services. Georgia first time participate in the GLAAS reporting process. At the national level, GLAAS aims to complement sector review processes and to assist in assessing the state of an enabling environment, including financial and human resources being directed to sanitation, drinking-water and hygiene whilst identifying barriers and enablers. Country response prepared, validated and signed and submitted to WHO together with filled data process, consent and feedback forms.