
Molecular Epidemiology of Toxigenic Escherichia coli in country of Georgia


Project title: Molecular Epidemiology of Toxigenic Escherichia coli in country of Georgia”, BTEP/ISTC; G-2099; Project duration: 01.03.2014 – 01.09.2015.

 Project summary

a). The aim:

The aim of the project is strengthening of laboratory capacity for detection of toxigenic E. coli in the clinical samples, furthermore isolation and molecular characterization of STEC strains using modern molecular methods.  This will give us the opportunity to study the molecular epidemiology of the main causative agent of acute diarrhea in humans in the country.

 b).Project Implementation:

Patients with acute diarrhea from the infection profile centers will be included in the study based on developed epidemiological questionnaires and working protocols. Besides, stored frozen stool samples collected from patients with acute diarrhea in 2009-2012 will be examined as well as the newly collected samples.

PCR-positive samples on different STEC markers (stx1, stx2, eae, Ehly) will be selected for isolation of toxigenic culture and further characterization by molecular typing.

 c). Expected Results:

Project implementation will allow establishment of STEC-algorithm at the R. G. Lugar Center laboratories for detection of toxigenic E. coli in the sample, STEC-strain isolation, confirmation and antigen typing, followed by molecular characterization. Laboratory will be supplied with reagents necessary for providing reliable results that is important for timely response on outbreak that occurs during Summer time.

Furthermore, implementation of this system in the routine will help in the future to identify the infection source and determine pathogen transmission path in compliance with different epidemiological tools.

The study results will help to find out the correlation of sporadic cases, as well as linkage to larger outbreaks inside or outside Georgia. All above mentioned will enhance improvement current epidemiological surveillance system in the country.