
“Strengthening Tuberculosis surveillance in Georgia”. Global Disease Detection Project Component; NCID, CDC; 01.09.2016 – 31.08.2017.


Project Title: “Strengthening Tuberculosis surveillance in Georgia”. Global Disease Detection Project Component; NCID, CDC;   01.09.2016 – 31.08.2017.      

Project Summary:

a). Project Objectives:

Improvement of TB case registration and reporting through electronic TB module.

b). Project implementation:

Incorporation of reporting requirements of all stakeholders into the electronic TB module;

Updated Training of PHC epidemiologists for active involvement in data reporting through TB electronic module.

c). Expected results:  

Regional trainings are conducted in order to increase capacity of all involved participants in TB Surveillance; reporting system is improved;

Incorporation of reporting requirements of all stakeholders into the electronic TB module;

TB electronic module will be completed and functional.