Project Title: “Strengthening Lab Capacity throughout the National System”, Global Disease Detection (642), CDC, USA; Project duration:01.12.2013 – 31.08.2014
Project summary
a)Project objectives: Main goal of the project is establishing the quality assurance system inside the NCDC&PH lab network.
Understanding the principles of QMS, importance of 12 essentials of the quality management system and their step by step implementation.
Quality assurance organizational responsibilities;
Develop strategic plan of QMS implementation process; Policies, processes, programs, procedures and instructions for Quality assurance system
Finalize laboratory quality manual. This policy will be readily available to appropriate personnel;
Developing Diagnostic SOPs non EDP laboratories;
Developing non-standard case management policies and procedures;
b).Project Implementation
One of the most important components of PH system is laboratory service and its high quality. This means that they should work in accordance with the ISO standards and should be accredited by the international organizations. For sustainability of the implemented Quality Management System in the country it is essential to provide Public Health system and its related systems with all the sufficient documentation, laboratory quality manual, SOPs, continuous education and trainings about quality management system and its’ components.
c). Expected Results:
Developing quality management system policy and strategic plan for establishing appropriate model of QMS into the NCDC&PH lab network to achieve high standards and international accreditation.