
“Strengthening STI Surveillance in Georgia”. Global Disease Detection Project Component; NCID, CDC; 01/09/2016 – 31/08/2017.


Project Title: “Strengthening STI Surveillance in Georgia”.    Global Disease Detection Project Component; NCID, CDC;   01/09/2016 – 31/08/2017.                

Project Summary

a). Project Objectives:

To enhance STI surveillance through policy development and surveillance capacity building in the country.

b). Project implementation:

To continue epidsurveilance on sentinel database for antimicrobial resistant gonorrhea.

c). Expected results:  

In the accordance of STI Epidsurveillance evaluation result in Georgia, essential changes in surveillance system will be implemented. After estimating sentinel surveillance data on Gonorrhea, possible modifications will be made in Gonorrhea treatment regimen.