Project Title: “Facilitate Research Ethics System Policy Development in Georgia”, Bioethic and Clinical Leadership of Union Graduate College; Project duration: 01.10.2014 - 03.09.2015
Project summary:
a). Project goals and objectives:
The overall goal: Promote initiation of policy change in the area of research ethics to support development of research ethics system in Georgia
The specific goal: Conduct prospective policy analysis with the aim to develop comprehensive tool in form of the policy brief document for MoHLSA to be used by the ministry for initialization of policy changes process
1. Organize High Profile meeting with key decision-makers;
2. Develop evidenced based policy brief about concept of the REC system structure and regulation mechanisms;
3. Qualitative survey among policymakers;
4. Organize first Research Ethics Conference -/workshop;
b). Project activities: To achieve the project goals and objectives we plan to conduct High Profile meeting with key decision-makers, qualitative survey among policymakers, develop evidenced-based policy document on the concept of the REC system structure and regulation mechanisms, and organize conference-workshop with participation of major stakeholders and policymakers.
c). Project deliverables: Policy document on research ethics system in Georgia