Project title: „Implementation of the Gavi transıtıon grant activities in Georgia“, WHO, 04.05.2018 - 31.12.2018
Project Summary
a). Project Objectives:
The specific target is to implement transition plan activities in Georgia that are required to
address current and future challenges of the national immunization program in sustaining
immunization investments after graduation from Gavi support.
b). Project implementation:
Activity 1
Support to conduct Effective Vaccine Management (EVM) Assessment
The activity proposed to be conducted with external support of WHO consultant(s). The budget
(Activity 1) reflects estimated costs for the local support during the consultants’ visit.
Local costs are calculated based on the budget estimations and experience from the previous
Expected results: EVM Assessment report and Recommendations.
Activity 2
Support to adopt vaccine management SOPs, including Development of Supervision tools, to
update national Vaccine Management Policy guidelines and Vaccine Management ToT for
District Managers (after the materials developed in frame of “Institutionalize best vaccine management practices” and “develop supervision tools”)
Expected results: Ensure institutionalization of the best vaccine management practices by adopting quality
management system approaches in the supply chains of vaccines and other pharmaceuticals
requiring cold chain and implementing relevant vaccine management standard procedures (SOPs) (reviewing the national policy and the key WHO guidelines and their integration into the national regulations).
Activity 3
Support to conduct a cold-chain temperature monitoring study in accordance with WHO
guidelines and performing a temperature mapping study of cold rooms
The activity proposed to be done with external support of WHO consultant (s). The budget
(Activity 3) reflects estimated costs for the local support during the consultants’ visit.
Expected results: Cold Chain temperature monitoring study/Temperature mapping study reports
and Recommendations.
Activity 4
Update the national AEFI guideline/s to include AEFI causality assessment scheme
The activity proposed to be done with external support of WHO consultant (s).
Expected results: National AEFI guidelines updated in line with WHO Recommendations.
Activity 5
Strengthen immunization data quality - Training of Service Provides on updated
Immunization Management Module and newly introduced vaccine Stock Management
Modules (e-registry) in Georgia
Expected results: Ensure smooth implementation of the State Immunization program through nationwide
introduction of the updated version of Immunization Management and Stock Management
Activity 6
Immunization in Practice (IIP) training for immunization service providers.
Expected results: The proposed project is designed to support NIP to cope with the above-mentioned challenges and help utilize the country capacity to a maximum extent in the areas of immunization and VPDs,
particularly as it relates to maintaining polio-free status, achieving measles and rubella elimination, improve coverage at national as well as district levels. The goal of this project is to strengthen capacity of the NIP and VPD programs at all levels, to ensure access to high quality and safe immunization services, through the IIP trainings for health care workers.
Activity 7
Mid-Level Managers (MLM) training.
c). Expected results:
Trained professionals with refreshed skills and knowledge will improve their working capacity for strengthening immunization system on the administrative level; it is expected that they also will conduct Immunization in Practice refreshment trainings for health care workers in their respective regions