Project Title: “Sustaining Universal Access to Quality Diagnosis and Treatment of all Forms of TB Including M/XDR-TB”. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, 01.04.2014 – 31.12. 2016.
Project Summary
a) Project Objectives: To reduce the burden of tuberculosis in Georgia by sustaining universal access to quality diagnosis and treatment of all forms of tuberculosis including M/XDR-TB.
b) Project implementation: The program is in line with the National Strategic Plans of 2013-2015 and 2016-2020, and aims to address the issues of drug resistance and adherence to TB treatment, improve diagnosis of TB and strengthen the NTP management, coordination and evaluation in both, civilian and penitentiary sectors.
c) Expected results:
Proper TB investigations and diagnostic tools are ensured for all presumptive TB cases;
All forms of TB, including M/XDR-TB are provided with the quality ensured medicines;
The rate of completed TB treatment is increased with the improved treatment adherence through the utilization of cash incentive scheme;
The NTP management, coordination and evaluation is improved.