
Joint External Evaluation (JEE) of Georgia

title On June 10-14, 2019 by the coordination of National Center for Disease Control and Public Health and World Health Organization, Georgia had an honor to host the mission with the aim of evaluation of existed core capacities in the frames of International Health Regulations (IHR 2005).
Within the mission, officials and representatives from the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health, National Food Agency, Ministry of Environment and Agriculture, Ministry of Interior, Emergency Situations Coordination and Urgent Assistance Center and 13 experts of World Health Organization participated in the meetings.
In the frames of the mission the implementation status of International Health Regulations (2005) and prevention, response and detection (19 technical areas) capacities of Georgia in public health emergencies were evaluated.
Under the mission, 13 invited experts had visited 112 emergency call centers, Emergency Situations Coordination and Urgent Assistance Training Center, National Situation Room, Vaccine storage (NCDC), Points of Entry (Tbilisi International Airport), Lugar Center for Public Health Research (reference laboratory), Surveillance Unit (NCDC) and Health facility - New Hospitals. During site-visits they were able to study thoroughly abovementioned institutions’ working and coordination mechanisms, not only in peacetime but also during emergencies. 
After visiting institutions and assessment of 19 technical areas, invited experts of World Health Organization developed recommendations. These recommendations afterwards will contribute to implement non existing mechanisms, to eliminate the gaps and strengthen already existed capacities. Which will further assist the country with the elaboration and implementation of the National Action Plan in determining the priorities and eradicating the gaps.